New and revised syllabus rules and classes for 2025 are
- All competitors, parents, teachers and choreographers are sincerely advised to carefully review and abide by the regulations and spirit of the festival so that infractions do not occur.
- Please review the main Syllabus page and the General Rules & Regulations as well as this syllabus for more information.
- We streamlined the fees for all classes this year as detailed in the General Rules.
Please review the main Syllabus page and the General Rules & Regulations as well as this syllabus for more information.
Piano Syllabus
Class Certificates
A Gold, Silver or Bronze certificate is issued to all participants of each competitive class.
- Gold: 85 and above
- Silver: 80 to 84
- Bronze: 79 and under
The Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates do not indicate a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place standing in a class. Each colour represents a level of performance achievement.
There will be no set number of Gold, Silver, or Bronze certificates allotted for each class.
Marks will not be announced, though they will be written on the adjudication sheets.
Adjudicator’s Remarks in Piano Section
The adjudicator will give general feedback when addressing the participants before handing out certificates.
For Provincial and National Competition requirements, see the Provincial General Rules in this Syllabus. The adjudicator’s decision is final in matters of adjudication, selection of winners and Provincial and National Representatives. Communication with the adjudicator by teachers, parents or competitors, except through the committee, is strictly forbidden.
Each year, the Piano Section of the festival is scheduled during the last week of February and the first week of March. If you plan to compete please realize that your time of competition is not flexible and that classes must be held as per the festival schedule.
- The syllabi of the various examining boards differ in grading standards. When choosing pieces, please conform to the grade levels set by the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM), Toronto, Ontario or Conservatory Canada (CC).
- It is the responsibility of the student and teacher to select the correct grade level, class and piece.
- The piano chairperson will not be responsible for any errors.
- If you are not sure of the correct class or grade level, please choose another selection.
- Students entered in the wrong class or grade level will receive adjudication only.
- For more information on grade levels, please see General Rules.
- Competitors wishing to be considered for bursaries must:
- Enter a minimum of three solo classes OR a Concert Group plus one solo class.
- A Baroque or Classical piece must be in either the solo class or the Concert Group.
- We encourage students to compete in several classes as their average for consideration for a bursary will be taken from their top three marks, not the entire selection of classes.
- Time limits must be observed, or the performer may be disqualified.
The maximum time of a performance will be the total time on stage. Introductions, breaks between pieces, applause, and any required costume additions will be included in this time. The clock will start when a performer starts to introduce their first piece and stop when they leave after their final piece. Please time your repertoire appropriately so you do not exceed the time indicated for each class.
PLEASE NOTE that this rule follows the TOTAL TIME regulation in the Provincial syllabus. - The competitor must give an original copy (NOT PHOTOCOPY) of the music for the adjudicator. Teachers should instruct their students to observe the following:
- Bars should be numbered at the beginning of each line.
- Students must supply his/her music for each class. It is not acceptable to share music books with others in the same class.
- General Rule ‘4’ (RE sharing) does not apply to students entering Recital, Piano Duets, Two-piano Duos or Concerto classes.
- One selection in each Class only unless otherwise specified.
- Repeats other than Da Capo are not to be observed unless specified in the syllabus.
- Please note general rules about entry forms etc.
- For each Class performance, the competitor must present the original unmarked score of his/her music (NO PHOTOCOPIES) which he/she is to perform to the adjudicator at the desk when their name and competitor number is called.
- Music must be plainly marked with the competitor’s name, number, and class and page number of the selection, to be given to the adjudicator’s secretary on proceeding to the platform.
- All music must be reclaimed following the adjudication of such classes. The Festival Committee accepts no responsibility for such music.
- Using photocopied music by performers or accompanists is prohibited. If original scores are not available, a letter of release is required from the publisher. Internet copies are acceptable only with a valid receipt/cover page.
Open Classes
COMPETITIVE OPEN CLASS entries will be accepted from MIPAF Alumni and adult students performing ARCT and higher-level repertoire. Participants may qualify for bursaries, but will not be eligible for Provincial or National representation.
Preparatory A
RCM Syllabus is the guide for this category.
Class | Grade | |
1 | Preparatory A | Baroque / Classical |
2 | Preparatory A | Contemporary |
3 | Preparatory A | Canadian |
Preparatory B
RCM Syllabus is the guide for this category.
Class | Grade | |
4 | Preparatory B | Baroque / Classical |
5 | Preparatory B | Contemporary |
6 | Preparatory B | Canadian |
Baroque Composers
Any selection from any composers of the Baroque period (1600-1750) Handel, Scarlatti, Telemann etc., including J.S. Bach.
Class | Grade | |
7 | I | Own Choice |
8 | II | Own Choice |
9 | III | Own Choice |
10 | IV | Own Choice |
11 | V | Own Choice |
12 | VI | Own Choice |
13 | VII | Own Choice |
14 | VIII | Own Choice |
15 | IX | Own Choice, As per the examination syllabus |
16 | IX | J.S. Bach Prelude and Fugue |
17 | X | Own Choice, As per the examination syllabus |
18 | X | J.S. Bach Prelude and Fugue |
19 | ARCT | Own Choice, As per the examination syllabus |
20 | ARCT | J.S. Bach Prelude and Fugue |
21 | OPEN | Own Choice |
Classical Composers
Includes Classical style as listed in the new RCM syllabus. No repeats other than Da Capo are to be observed.
Class | Grade | |
22 | I | Own Choice |
23 | II | Own Choice |
24 | III | Own Choice |
25 | IV | Own Choice |
26 | V | Own Choice |
27 | VI | Own Choice |
28 | VII | Own Choice |
29 | VIII | Own Choice |
30 | IX | Own Choice, As per the examination syllabus |
31 | X | Own Choice, As per the examination syllabus |
32 | ARCT | Own Choice, As per the examination syllabus |
33 | OPEN | Own Choice |
Romantic and Character Composers
Type of piece found in Examination Syllabi “List C”, excluding categories already offered.
Class | Grade | |
34 | I | Own Choice |
35 | II | Own Choice |
36 | III | Own Choice |
37 | IV | Own Choice |
38 | V | Own Choice |
39 | VI | Own Choice |
40 | VII | Own Choice |
41 | VIII | Own Choice |
42 | IX | Own Choice |
43 | X | Own Choice |
44 | ARCT | Own Choice |
45 | OPEN | Own Choice |
Post-Romantic and Impressionist Composers
Class | Grade | |
46 | VII | Own Choice |
47 | VIII | Own Choice |
48 | IX | Own Choice |
49 | X | Own Choice |
50 | ARCT | Own Choice |
51 | OPEN | Own Choice |
20th and 21st Century Composers
Excluding categories already offered.
Class | Grade | |
52 | I | Own Choice |
53 | II | Own Choice |
54 | III | Own Choice |
55 | IV | Own Choice |
56 | V | Own Choice |
57 | VI | Own Choice |
58 | VII | Own Choice |
59 | VIII | Own Choice |
60 | IX | Own Choice |
61 | X | Own Choice |
62 | ARCT | Own Choice |
Canadian Composers
Class | Grade | |
63 | I | Own Choice |
64 | II | Own Choice |
65 | III | Own Choice |
66 | IV | Own Choice |
67 | V | Own Choice |
68 | VI | Own Choice |
69 | VII | Own Choice |
70 | VIII | Own Choice |
71 | IX | Own Choice |
72 | X | Own Choice |
73 | ARCT | Own Choice |
74 | OPEN | Own Choice |
Popular Selections Composers
Reference RCM Graded Popular Music Syllabus
Class | Grade | |
75 | I | Own Choice |
76 | II | Own Choice |
77 | III | Own Choice |
78 | IV | Own Choice |
79 | V | Own Choice |
80 | VI | Own Choice |
81 | VII | Own Choice |
82 | VIII | Own Choice |
Concert Group
Three contrasting selections of various periods and styles.
Concert groups are an excellent alternative to individual classes if the participant participates in three or more classes. They allow the participant to avoid waiting for long periods while individual classes are being performed.
Class | Grade | |
83 | I | Own Choice |
84 | II | Own Choice |
85 | III | Own Choice |
86 | IV | Own Choice |
87 | V | Own Choice |
88 | VI | Own Choice |
89 | VII | Own Choice |
90 | VIII | Own Choice |
91 | IX | Own Choice |
92 | X | Own Choice |
93 | ARCT | Own Choice |
94 | OPEN | Own Choice |
Adult Class
Class | Category | |
95 | Novice – including RCM Level 4 | Own Choice |
96 | Intermediate – including RCM Level 9 | Own Choice |
97 | Accomplished – including RCM Level 10 | Own Choice |
Ensemble Class
Ensemble selections, including duets, trios, and two-piano pieces.
Class | Age | |
98 | 8 and under | Own Choice |
99 | 10 and under | Own Choice |
100 | 12 and under | Own Choice |
101 | 14 and under | Own Choice |
102 | 16 and under | Own Choice |
103 | 18 and under | Own Choice |
Orchestra part played on a second piano.
Class | Age | |
104 | 8 and under | Own Choice |
105 | 10 and under | Own Choice |
106 | 12 and under | Own Choice |
107 | 12 and under | Own Choice |
108 | 15 and under | Own Choice |
109 | 18 and under | Own Choice |
Non-Competitive Class
Adjudication only, no marks will be awarded. Memory is not compulsory.
Selections should be chosen from RCM or equivalent syllabi. This level is above Preparatory A/B.
Class | Age | |
110 | 8 years and under | Own Choice |
111 | 12 years and under | Own Choice |
112 | 15 years and under | Own Choice |
113 | 19 years and under | Own Choice |
Piano Classes – Provincials
General Regulations, Guidelines and Class Structure
- Competitors will be selected from their festival in the same way as in earlier years, plus recommended competitors may choose to enter the Canadian classes.
Note: No Participants May be Selected for the Canadian Class Only. (Please refer to Regulation #6) - Provincial Junior, Intermediate, Senior and National class winners will be determined by their recommended class participation only – i.e. optional participation in Canadian class is not considered.
- Concertos or movements from concertos are NOT PERMITTED in any piano classes. Concerti in the Canadian classes are not permitted as the Association cannot guarantee the provision of two pianos for these classes.
A Concerto or Concerted Work is a composition written for a solo instrument with orchestral accompaniment. - Two contrasting selections: must be from different periods showing contrast in style and mood.
- Two or more movements of a sonata, suite etc. are permissible provided another contrasting work can be performed within the time limit.
- Canadian Classes
These are optional classes for pianists and will be judged on this category’s merits alone. Participants may not enter Canadian classes only, but MUST first be recommended in Provincial Classes 20, 22, 24 or National Class 2; such recommended competitors may enter the Canadian class at the same level if they so choose, i.e. Canadian class recommendation from the local adjudicator is not required. Competitors may perform Canadian selections in their recommended class as well as in the optional Canadian class, however, they may not perform the same selection in both classes. - Syllabi from the Royal Conservatory (Toronto), Conservatory Canada or other major institutions may be used as a reference for grade levels.
- Competitors must be of accepted ages as of December 31.
- Please read the General Rules for further information.
Junior Piano
Two contrasting selections, one of which has been performed at the local level.
The Provincial Junior Piano Winner shall be selected from this class. Please note that MIPAF may send up to TWO Junior Piano Winners to Provincials, one each in Level A AND Level B, depending on their grade level. Level A includes Grade 9 and under. Level B includes Grade 10 and above.
Age: 14 and under | Time Limit: 15 minutes | Recommended Minimum Level: Grade 7 |
Junior Piano – Canadian Music
One selection of Canadian music of about minimum Grade 7 level – if a multi-movement work is selected, one or more movements may be performed providing the time limit is observed. A concerted work is not permitted.
Age: 14 and under | Time Limit: 7 minutes |
Intermediate Piano
Two contrasting selections, one of which has been performed at the local level.
The Provincial Intermediate Piano Winner shall be selected from this class.
Age: 17 and under | Time Limit: 20 minutes | Recommended Minimum Level: Grade 8 |
Intermediate Piano – Canadian Music
One selection of Canadian music of about Grade 8 level – if a multi-movement work is selected, one or more movements may be performed providing the time limit is observed. A concerted work is not permitted.
Age: 17 and under | Time Limit: 10 minutes |
Senior Piano
Two contrasting selections, one of which has been performed at the local level.
The Provincial Senior Piano Winner shall be selected from this class.
Age: 23 and under | Time Limit: 25 minutes | Recommended Minimum Level: Grade 9 |
Senior Piano – Canadian Music
One selection of Canadian music of about Grade 9 level – if a multi-movement work is selected, one or more movements may be performed providing the time limit is observed. A concerted work is not permitted.
Age: 23 and under | Time Limit: 12 minutes | Recommended Minimum Level: Grade 9 |
Provincial Excellence Piano Classes