
New and revised syllabus rules and classes for 2025 are highlighted in yellow.


  • All competitors, parents, teachers and choreographers are sincerely advised to carefully review and abide by the regulations and spirit of the festival so that infractions do not occur.
  • We streamlined the fees for all classes this year as detailed in the General Rules.

Please review the main Syllabus page and the General Rules & Regulations as well as this syllabus for more information.

Dance Syllabus

“Dancing is an Art Because it Has Rules” – Voltaire


  1. Audience members observed taking pictures or filming/recording a performer(s) will be warned once and asked to refrain.
  2. If the audience member continues to take pictures or video/record, the performer(s) will be disqualified.
  3. Members of the media are exempted from this prohibition if authorized by MIPAF and have parents’ permission.

All classes in the dance section are open to non-professional dancers. Please see rule #2 in the General Rules.

Dance schools are responsible for ensuring all dances entered under their school name meet the rules and regulations set out in this syllabus.


  1. Dance entries are not limited to residents of Vancouver Island.
    (See General Rules – Eligibility 1(a) does not apply to Dance; 1(b) does apply to Dance)
  2. ENTRIES – ONLINE ONLY. All information must be provided, including phone numbers of dancers performing two or more solos in each section, as they may be eligible for provincial representation or bursaries.
  3. Correct spelling of the competitor’s name is required.
  4. No individual (solo, groups, duets, trios) is allowed more than one entry in an age class/category.
  5. Solos must be in the same age group for all entries. If a solo class is unavailable in a selected category, the dancer may move up to the next age group.
  6. Dances used in past festivals must not be entered again by the same competitor – including Young Choreographers.
  7. The dance section of the MIPAF has 3 parts – Ballet, Modern and Stage. (see dance class/category section for details)
  8. Once a piece/selection has been performed in the “Song and Dance” class of the dance section, it may not ever be performed by that student in the vocal section of the festival in any format whatsoever.
  9. Competitive Highland (e.g., fling, sword dance, etc.) may not be used in the National category but could be entered into the For the Love of Dance Open category.
  10. Duets and trios – age class entered is that of the oldest dancer.
  11. Groups: See chart in the dance category section
    Group Size Number of Dancers
    Duet 2
    Trio 3
    Small 4 to 7
    Medium 8 to 12
    Large 13 or more

    No group member may be more than 2 years older than the dance age group entered.


Entries from Independent Dancers

  1. Solos, duets, and trio entries only.
  2. Cheque, money order or PayPal will be accepted.


Choreographer/Dance Teacher

  1. No substitution of any performer in any class without permission of Dance Committee Chairs.
  2. Only performers listed on the entry form will be allowed on stage once the adjudicator rings the bell.
  3. No late competitor(s) may perform after adjudication of the class.
  4. Costumes are optional.
  5. All music, performance and costumes must be:
    1. edited for inappropriate language/content
    2. age-appropriate – lyrics, dance moves and costume
    3. appropriate for a family audience
    4. mindful of costume fabric and consider the use of second skin and nude tights
  6. Only students 12 years and older on December 31 prior may perform on pointe. This applies to all competitors in all dance categories.
  7. Music is uploaded during the registration process and will be played by a dance committee volunteer. Backups of music should be available in MP3 format on a device that can be attached to the music system.
  8. Music errors are not the responsibility of the MIPAF volunteers.
  9. Groups and Productions are an intermingling and collaboration of students to form patterns – not a number of students performing in a straight line.


General Information

  1. Mid Island Performing Arts Festival and its volunteers are not responsible for lost items.
  2. During the festival, the MIPAF dance festival does not permit the following in their rented building space:
    1. Subletting
    2. Rehearsals (quiet warm-up only in dressing rooms – no music).
  3. During dance festival, an entry in duets, trios, small, medium, or large groups that no longer fits into the category entered may, at the discretion of the Dance Committee Chairs:
    1. move to category/class they now fit into as long as that category/class has not performed.
    2. may dance in the original category/class for adjudication only.
  4. For solo classes with over 8 dance entries:
    1. entries will be split into 2 classes by age (e.g. 11 years of age and 12 years of age).
    2. each class will be adjudicated and awarded as separate classes.
  5. The auditorium will open 1/2 hour before the start of each session and close immediately following each session.
  6. Dancer check-in:  dancers must be checked in, and numbers for groups must be confirmed no later than 30 minutes before going on stage to compete (groups, duets and solos).  Should substitutions for dancers be required, the Section Chair must be notified before dancers enter the stage to compete.
  7. During the dates of the Mid Island Performing Arts Festival, rehearsals in the areas rented by the festival committee are not permitted. Warm-up WITHOUT AUDIBLE MUSIC is permitted in Lounge C.
  8. No rehearsal or warm-up is allowed in the lobby at all. This is a public space and is not rented by the MIPAF.


Stage and Performance Rules

  1. Parents are not allowed backstage.
  2. The stage is not to be used by anyone except performing dancers during our dance sessions.
  3. Backstage barres will open for warm-up 1/2 hour before each session starts.
  4. All tap shoes must be covered or removed before and after each performance.
  5. Using hair spray, powder, or any substance on feet/shoes may result in disqualification.
  6. The use of resin on the dance floor will result in disqualification.
  7. Wings are not to be handled by dancers during their performance on stage.
  8. Dancers must access the stage from stage right or stage left—no entry through the back curtain.
  9. Stage lights are preset and will remain the same for all dance entries.
  10. The music system provided by the venue/Mid Island Performing Arts Festival must be the system used and
    1. May not be used for cueing music or sound checks
    2. CDs or MP3/iPods are required with our music system.
    3. NOTE: At the Provincial level – MP3 files are also required with CDs as a backup.
  11. Hand Props:
    1. Must be kept off the dance floor.
    2. When a hand prop is placed on the dance floor, it becomes a floor prop.
  12. Floor Props:
    1. Must be used sparingly and be integral to the dance – not just scenery.
    2. Must be simple, lightweight & fit through side stage doors.
    3. Dance schools are responsible for ensuring props do not damage the dance floor.
    4. No dragging/sliding across the dance floor. Please be careful of the chair feet.
    5. Must be removed from backstage by the end of the session.
    6. Dancer/dance teachers are responsible for setup and takedown.
    7. Senior students or backstage volunteers may help but volunteers are not required to assist with props. Please note: Performing Arts B.C. (Provincials) requires the dancer to set their own props.


Role of Adjudicator/Adjudication

  1. The adjudicator will offer general comments to the class as a whole during adjudications.
  2. Specific comments to the competitor will be done via video adjudication and are meant for the dance teacher and competitor to discuss.
  3. The option to repeat a dance – whether completed or not – will be at the discretion of the Adjudicator and the dance committee chairs. A dance that is repeated will be for adjudication only except if the reason is beyond the dancer’s control.
  4. If the adjudicator believes a particular performance has been entered in the wrong category, the entry will be for adjudication only, and no mark will be provided. The adjudicator is not required to comment publicly but will give video adjudication feedback on why the dance was deemed to be entered in the wrong class.
  5. Inappropriate language/content
    1. Adjudicators will decide if the language/content/attire is inappropriate.
    2. The adjudicator will ring the bell – the music will stop, and the dance will not be completed.
    3. No mark or adjudication will be given.
    4. Performers/performer will not be allowed on stage for adjudication
  6. If syllabus rules have not been followed, the adjudicator may in consultation with Dance Committee Chairs decide a dance entry will not receive an adjudication or mark.
  7. Competitors should not begin before the adjudicator indicates he/she is ready.
  8. The adjudicator may, at his/her discretion, stop a performance at any time and is not required to give an adjudication or mark if it would be detrimental to the competitor.
  9. To qualify for a First Place Certificate – a minimum mark of 85% must be achieved.
    1. Third Place Certificates may be awarded
      1. at the discretion of the adjudicator.
      2. to the SOLO, DUET, or GROUP dancers in the age categories 10 and under even if there are less than 8 entries in a class. A third place is possible when there are only 3 entries in this age category.
    2. Participation Certificates may be awarded to solo, duet, or group entries with dancers aged 8 and under.
  10. The name and standing of the winners may be announced by the adjudicator at the completion of the class.
  11. No marks for entries in the 6 and 8 and under age categories will be provided. Participation ribbons will be awarded to soloists, duets, and each group entry.


Young Choreographers

  1. Young Choreographer notes may be submitted electronically no later than 7 days before the first session of the section (i.e., ballet or stage) for the section entered. If they are not received electronically by the 7-day deadline, a hard copy must be submitted to the section chair no later than the first session of the section. Please enter the name of the dancer with the registration of the dance. See complete rules for Young Choreographers in the Dance Classes section of this syllabus.


Bursaries: See general rules.

  1. A competitor must enter a minimum of two (2) solo classes in either the Ballet, Modern or Stage section to be eligible. Bursary awards are at the sole discretion of the adjudicator.
  2. In the dance section, a Rose Bursary (if available) may be awarded to dancers up to 10 years of age and under who perform at least one solo in either ballet or stage.
  3. Young Choreographers bursary (if available) – must enter one solo entry in Young Choreographers to be eligible. For this bursary, ‘SOLO’ refers to the number of choreographers in an entry – not dancers.


Provincial Information

Please check the current Provincial syllabus at

The Provincial syllabus has a list of definitions describing the appropriate styles and outlines the need for contrasting solos.

Representatives may be chosen from the following three sections: Ballet, Modern and Stage.

As per the MIPAF General Rules and Regulations, the adjudicator can choose a provincial representative if they:

  1. Reside within the geographic area of our Festival (Ladysmith to Bowser, Port Alberni to Parksville) OR
  2. Study in the discipline, (i.e., dance, piano) within the geographic area of our Festival OR
  3. Have taken up temporary residence for study within our geographic area.
  4. A competitor must enter a minimum of two solos and receive a minimum mark of 85% for both solos in the specific category to be eligible.
  5. To qualify for a provincial nomination, a competitor must also perform in at least one group (small, medium, large, or production).

IF THERE IS NO COMPETITOR that matches the above location criteria to be chosen as a provincial representative from within this geographic area, adjudicators may choose a corresponding provincial representative from outside of this area.

Any Dancer receiving a Provincial nomination from another Festival, whether or not they have declined, must notify the section chair before the start of the festival (Ballet, Modern or Stage). Please state the level, genre, and whether they have accepted or declined the previous nomination.

Age Categories are as follows:
Level I – Age 10-12, Level II – Age 13 to 15, Level III – Age 16-20

Provincial Category Provincial Requirements
Ballet Representative: Open to all the above Levels.

The participant must perform two contrasting solos based on Ballet technique including but not limited to: Cecchetti, R.A.D., Vaganova, etc.
Hand-held props only may be used if integral to the dance, except in Interpretive where no props are allowed. Ballet shoes must be worn. No lyrics are permitted, except in Contemporary Ballet; vocalization is permitted.
Modern Representative: Open to all the above Levels.

The participant must perform two contrasting modern or contemporary solos, the basis of which will be modern technique including but not limited to Graham, Limon, Cunningham, Humphrey and Horton.
Stage Representative: Open to all the above Levels.

The participant must perform two contrasting solos in two of the following styles: Jazz or Lyrical Jazz, Variety, Song and Dance and Tap.
Hip Hop/Street Dance or Acrobatics Dance may be used as a second solo only.

Previous winners at the Provincial festival are required to move up to the next level when next going to the Provincials. For example – a Provincial winner in Level I Ballet would next compete at Level II Ballet.

For more information, contact our Provincial Liaison Representative.


Dance Classes/Categories

BALLET SECTION: Ballet – Demi Pointe, *Neo-Classical Ballet, Pointe, Demi-Character, Character, National, Interpretive, Contemporary Ballet, Lyrical Ballet, Young Choreographer, Production, and Variations

MODERN SECTION: Modern, Interpretive Modern, Contemporary, and Interpretive Contemporary

STAGE SECTION: Jazz, Lyrical Jazz, Street Dancing, Tap, Variety (replacing Modern Stage), Song and Dance, Young Choreographers, Production, Street Dance Production, and Acrobatics Dance

AVAILABLE FOR ADJUDICATION ONLY: Adult Group (Tap & Street Dancing), Academic School groups, For the Love of Dance


Group Information


  • Duets consist of 2 dancers
  • Trios consist of 3 dancers
  • Small groups consist of: 4 – 7 dancers
  • Medium groups consist of 8-12 dancers
  • Large groups consist of: 13 or more dancers.

Groups with dancers over the category/age group must use the chart below.
No group member may be more than 2 years older than the category/age group entered.

Number in Group Number Allowed Over
Age of Class Entered
Number in Group Number Allowed Over
Age of Class Entered
3 – 5 1 22 – 25 6
6 – 9 2 26 – 29 7
10 – 13 3 30 – 33 8
14 – 17 4 34 – 37 9
18 – 21 5 38 – 41 10


Timing of Dance Numbers

From the start of the performance, whether it is the music or movement first; same for the end of the performance whether the movement or music is last—includes a bow. Time limits must be adhered to, or the competitor may be disqualified. (Selections do not need to be the maximum length)



Class Time Limit
Solos, Duets, Trios Not to exceed three (3) minutes
NOTE: 3 minutes at Provincial level
(Song & Dance – 4 minutes)
Small, Medium and Large Groups Not to exceed five (5) minutes
Production Minimum six (6) minutes – Maximum ten (10) minutes

The title of a dance is required on the entry forms for all group dances plus solos, duets and trio entries in some categories. Please carefully read the rules given in each category.


Ballet Section



Ballet Demi-Pointe

Dance based on any method of classical ballet technique (Russian, Cecchetti, R.A.D. etc). The dance tells no story. HANDHELD PROPS MAY BE USED IF THEY ARE INTEGRAL TO THE DANCE. NO FLOOR PROPS. No lyrics in music.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Ballet Demi-Pointe Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 100 200 300 400 500 600
9 years and under 101 201 301 401 501 601
10 years and under 102 202 302 402 502 602
11 years and under 103 203 303 403 503 603
12 years and under 104 204 304 404 504 604
13 years and under 105 205 305 405 505 605
14 years and under 106 206 306 406 506 606
15 years and under 107 207 307 407 507 607
16 years and under 108 208 308 408 508 608
17 years and under 109 209 309 409 509 609
18 years and under 110 210 310 410 510 610
20 years and under 111 211 311 411 511 611

Neo-Classical Ballet

Dance based on any method of classical ballet technique in the style of the 20th and 21st centuries. Original choreography should be plotless and musically driven without narrative or mime. Dancer’s movements should be the main artistic medium. No lyrics in music.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
NEO-CLASSICAL Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
9 years and under 101-1 201-1 301-1 401-1 501-1 601-1
10 years and under 102-1 202-1 302-1 402-1 502-1 602-1
11 years and under 103-1 203-1 303-1 403-1 503-1 603-1
12 years and under 104-1 204-1 304-1 404-1 504-1 604-1
13 years and under 105-1 205-1 305-1 405-1 505-1 605-1
14 years and under 106-1 206-1 306-1 406-1 506-1 606-1
15 years and under 107-1 207-1 307-1 407-1 507-1 607-1
16 years and under 108-1 208-1 308-1 408-1 508-1 608-1
17 years and under 109-1 209-1 309-1 409-1 509-1 609-1
18 years and under 110-1 210-1 310-1 410-1 510-1 610-1
20 years and under 111-1 211-1 311-1 411-1 511-1 611-1


To be adjudicated on the pointe work of the competitor. Pure Classical ballet, or may borrow from other disciplines in the ballet section. Only students 12 years old and over by December 31 prior may perform on pointe. This rule applies to solos, groups, and duets IN ALL DANCE CATEGORIES. HANDHELD PROPS MAY BE USED IF THEY ARE INTEGRAL TO THE DANCE. NO FLOOR PROPS. No lyrics in music.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Ballet-Pointe Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
13 years and under 105-2 205-2 305-2 405-2 505-2 605-2
14 years and under 106-2 206-2 306-2 406-2 506-2 606-2
15 years and under 107-2 207-2 307-2 407-2 507-2 607-2
16 years and under 108-2 208-2 308-2 408-2 508-2 608-2
17 years and under 109-2 209-2 309-2 409-2 509-2 609-2
18 years and under 110-2 210-2 310-2 410-2 510-2 610-2
20 years and under 111-2 211-2 311-2 411-2 511-2 611-2


Traditional choreography from a known Classical Ballet. Can be performed en pointe or demi pointe.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Variation Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
10 years and under 102-3 202-3 302-3 402-3 502-3 602-3
11 years and under 103-3 203-3 303-3 403-3 503-3 603-3
12 years and under 104-3 204-3 304-3 404-3 504-3 604-3
13 years and under 105-3 205-3 305-3 405-3 505-3 605-3
14 years and under 106-3 206-3 306-3 406-3 506-3 606-3
15 years and under 107-3 207-3 307-3 407-3 507-3 607-3
16 years and under 108-3 208-3 308-3 408-3 508-3 608-3
17 years and under 109-3 209-3 309-3 409-3 509-3 609-3
18 years and under 110-3 210-3 310-3 410-3 510-3 610-3
20 years and under 111-3 211-3 311-3 411-3 511-3 611-3


The story must be portrayed classically through mime and the use of the upper body. The dancer must perform ballet enchainments from the waist down and character from the waist up. The character must be stated on the entry form. Title of Dance required, please. No lyrics in music EXCEPT 6 years and under age category – lyrics are permitted.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Demi-Character Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 112 212 312 412 512 612
9 years and under 113 213 313 413 513 613
10 years and under 114 214 314 414 514 614
11 years and under 114-1 214-1 314-1 414-1 514-1 614-1
12 years and under 115 215 315 415 515 615
13 years and under 115-1 215-1 315-1 415-1 515-1 615-1
14 years and under 116 216 316 416 516 616
15 years and under 116-1 216-1 316-1 416-1 516-1 616-1
16 years and under 117 217 317 417 517 617
17 years and under 117-1 217-1 317-1 417-1 517-1 617-1
18 years and under 118 218 318 418 518 618
19 years and under 118-1 218-1 318-1 418-1 518-1 618-1
20 years and under 119 219 319 419 519 619


A definite character must be portrayed whereby the dancer becomes the whole character using any stylized movement with the occasional use of isolated ballet steps. The character must be stated on the entry form. Title of Dance required, please. No lyrics in music.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Character Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 120 220 320 420 520 620
9 years and under 121 221 321 421 521 621
10 years and under 122 222 322 422 522 622
11 years and under 123 223 323 423 523 623
12 years and under 124 224 324 424 524 624
13 years and under 125 225 325 425 525 625
14 years and under 126 226 326 426 526 626
15 years and under 127 227 327 427 527 627
16 years and under 128 228 328 428 528 628
17 years and under 129 229 329 429 529 629
18 years and under 130 230 330 430 530 630
20 years and under 131 231 331 431 531 631


Expressing an idea or mood, not a story: often an interpretation of the music. The theme of the dance must be explicit in the title. No notes are permitted. Title of Dance required, please. No lyrics in music.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Interpretive Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
9 years and under 132 232 332 432 532 632
10 years and under 133 233 333 433 533 633
11 years and under 134 234 334 434 534 634
12 years and under 135 235 335 435 535 635
13 years and under 136 236 336 436 536 636
14 years and under 137 237 337 437 537 637
15 years and under 138 238 338 438 538 638
16 years and under 139 239 339 439 539 639
17 years and under 140 240 340 440 540 640
18 years and under 141 241 341 441 541 641
20 years and under 142 242 342 442 542 642

Contemporary Ballet

Incorporates classical ballet techniques with a greater range of movements that may not adhere to strict body lines for classical ballet. This style includes non-traditional movements, such as more relaxed steps, floor work, turned-in legs, etc., to portray the concept of being more innovative, free, and earthbound. The physical interpretation of the theme that the choreographer envisioned allows for more expressive emotions and feelings.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
CONTEMPORARY Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 131-1 231-1 331-1 431-1 531-1 631-1
9 years and under 132-1 232-1 332-1 432-1 532-1 632-1
10 years and under 133-1 233-1 333-1 433-1 533-1 633-1
11 years and under 134-1 234-1 334-1 434-1 534-1 634-1
12 years and under 135-1 235-1 335-1 435-1 535-1 635-1
13 years and under 136-1 236-1 336-1 436-1 536-1 636-1
14 years and under 137-1 237-1 337-1 437-1 537-1 637-1
15 years and under 138-1 238-1 338-1 438-1 538-1 638-1
16 years and under 139-1 239-1 339-1 439-1 539-1 639-1
17 years and under 140-1 240-1 340-1 440-1 540-1 640-1
18 years and under 141-1 241-1 341-1 441-1 541-1 641-1
20 years and under 142-1 242-1 342-1 442-1 542-1 642-1

Lyrical Ballet

Lyrical ballet places emphasis on flowing lyrical movements. Solid ballet technique/content is required to be shown. Title of Dance required, please.

Please note: There is not a section for Lyrical Ballet at the Provincial level. In our dance section, we permit lyrics in this class. Lyrics would not be permitted if the dance was performed at the Provincials.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Lyrical Ballet Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 131-2 231-2 331-2 431-2 531-2 631-2
9 years and under 132-2 232-2 332-2 432-2 532-2 632-2
10 years and under 133-2 233-2 333-2 433-2 533-2 633-2
11 years and under 134-2 234-2 334-2 434-2 534-2 634-2
12 years and under 135-2 235-2 335-2 435-2 535-2 634-2
13 years and under 136-2 236-2 336-2 436-2 536-2 636-2
14 years and under 137-2 237-2 337-2 437-2 537-2 637-2
15 years and under 138-2 238-2 338-2 438-2 538-2 638-2
16 years and under 139-2 239-2 339-2 439-2 539-2 639-2
17 years and under 140-2 240-2 340-2 440-2 540-2 640-2
18 years and under 141-2 241-2 341-2 441-2 541-2 641-2
19 years and under 142-2 242-2 342-2 442-2 542-2 642-2
20 years and under 143-2 243-2 343-2 443-2 543-2 643-2


Folk dancing, which portrays the traditional style of a specific country. Instrumental and vocal arrangements are permitted. No competitive Highland dance. Please state the country on the entry form. Title of Dance required, please.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
National Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 148 248 348 448 548 648
9 years and under 149 249 349 449 549 649
10 years and under 150 250 350 450 550 650
11 years and under 150-1 250-1 350-1 450-1 550-1 650-1
12 years and under 151 251 351 451 551 651
13 years and under 151-1 251-1 351-1 451-1 551-1 651-1
14 years and under 152 252 352 452 552 652
15 years and under 152-1 252-1 352-1 452-1 552-1 652-1
16 years and under 153 253 353 453 553 653
17 years and under 153-1 253-1 353-1 453-1 553-1 653-1
18 years and under 154 254 354 454 554 654
19 years and under 154-1 254-1 354-1 454-1 554-1 654-1
20 years and under 155 255 355 455 555 655

Modern/Contemporary Section



A stylized dance form with its foundation of a technically based discipline such as Duncan, Graham, Ailey Horton etc. Dance that rejects the limitations of classical ballet and which favours movement derived from the expression of inner feeling, free dance, contraction, release, fall and recovery and dynamism – a constantly evolving style of movement. Title of Dance required, please.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Modern Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 170 270 370 470 570 670
9 years and under 171 271 371 471 571 671
10 years and under 172 272 372 472 572 672
11 years and under 173 273 373 473 573 673
12 years and under 174 274 374 474 574 674
13 years and under 175 275 375 475 575 675
14 years and under 176 276 376 476 576 676
15 years and under 177 277 377 477 577 677
16 years and under 178 278 378 478 578 678
17 years and under 179 279 379 479 579 679
18 years and under 180 280 380 480 580 680
20 years and under 181 281 381 481 581 681
22 years and under* 182 282 382 482 582 682
* 5-year trial

Interpretive Modern

Dance that uses a recognized/codified modern technique to tell a story, express a feeling, interpret a character, behaviour, or emotional state. Movement should be related to the intent of the music. Title of dance is required.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
INTERPRETIVE MODERN Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 170-1 270-1 370-1 470-1 570-1 670-1
9 years and under 171-1 271-1 371-1 471-1 571-1 671-1
10 years and under 172-1 272-1 372-1 472-1 572-1 672-1
11 years and under 173-1 273-1 373-1 473-1 573-1 673-1
12 years and under 174-1 274-1 374-1 474-1 574-1 674-1
13 years and under 175-1 275-1 375-1 475-1 575-1 675-1
14 years and under 176-1 276-1 376-1 476-1 576-1 676-1
15 years and under 177-1 277-1 377-1 477-1 577-1 677-1
16 years and under 178-1 278-1 378-1 478-1 578-1 678-1
17 years and under 179-1 279-1 379-1 479-1 579-1 679-1
18 years and under 180-1 280-1 380-1 480-1 580-1 680-1
20 years and under 181-1 281-1 381-1 481-1 581-1 681-1


As in contemporary or abstract art and music, contemporary dance expresses current, fresh and innovative ideas. It could be described as fusing modern, ballet and athletic movement principles, but is not exclusively one over another. It is inventive, creative and open to new concepts. Props and costumes may be used to illustrate the tone of the choreography. Title of Dance required, please.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Contemporary Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 156 256 356 456 556 656
9 years and under 157 257 357 457 557 657
10 years and under 158 258 358 458 558 658
11 years and under 159 259 359 459 559 659
12 years and under 160 260 360 460 560 660
13 years and under 161 261 361 461 561 661
14 years and under 162 262 362 462 562 662
15 years and under 163 263 363 463 563 663
16 years and under 164 264 364 464 564 664
17 years and under 165 265 365 465 565 665
18 years and under 166 266 366 466 566 666
20 years and under 167 267 367 467 567 667
22 years and under* 168 268 368 468 568
* 5-year trial

Interpretive Contemporary

Dance that uses contemporary movement vocabulary from stylized to pedestrian (with modern technique as its basis) to tell a story, express a feeling, interpret a character, behaviour, or emotional state: e.g., Pina Bausch (Tanztheater Wuppertal). Movement should be related to the intent of the music, while the choreography must engage the whole body. Title of dance is required.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
INTERPRETIVE CONTEMPORARY Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 156-1 256-1 356-1 456-1 556-1 656-1
9 years and under 157-1 257-1 357-1 457-1 557-1 657-1
10 years and under 158-1 258-1 358-1 458-1 558-1 658-1
11 years and under 159-1 259-1 359-1 459-1 559-1 659-1
12 years and under 160-1 260-1 360-1 460-1 560-1 660-1
13 years and under 161-1 261-1 361-1 461-1 561-1 661-1
14 years and under 162-1 262-1 362-1 462-1 562-1 662-1
15 years and under 163-1 263-1 363-1 463-1 563-1 663-1
16 years and under 164-1 264-1 364-1 464-1 564-1 664-1
17 years and under 165-1 265-1 365-1 465-1 565-1 665-1
18 years and under 166-1 266-1 366-1 466-1 566-1 666-1
20 years and under 167-1 267-1 367-1 467-1 567-1 667-1

Stage Section


Entries will be judged on footwork, rhythm, style and presentation. Tap sounds on music are NOT permitted. Please remember this is TAP DANCING, NOT MODERN STAGE.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Tap Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 500 600 700 800 900 1000
9 years and under 501 601 701 801 901 1001
10 years and under 502 602 702 802 902 1002
11 years and under 502-1 602-1 702-1 802-1 902-1 1002-1
12 years and under 503 603 703 803 903 1003
13 years and under 503-1 603-1 703-1 803-1 903-1 1003-1
14 years and under 504 604 704 804 904 1004
15 years and under 504-1 604-1 704-1 804-1 904-1 1004-1
16 years and under 505 605 705 805 905 1005
17 years and under 505-1 605-1 705-1 805-1 905-1 1005-1
18 years and under 506 606 706 806 906 1006
19 years and under 506-1 606-1 706-1 806-1 906-1 1006-1
20 years and under 507 607 707 807 907 1007


Free movement using recognized jazz technique showing a strong sense of rhythm and coordination. Adjudication may be based on the suitability of the music and movements appropriate to the dancer’s age. All music must be edited for inappropriate language/content. FLOOR PROPS ARE NOT PERMITTED.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Jazz Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 499 599 699 799 899 999
9 years and under 508 608 708 808 908 1008
10 years and under 509 609 709 809 909 1009
11 years and under 510 610 710 810 910 1010
12 years and under 511 611 711 811 911 1011
13 years and under 512 612 712 812 912 1012
14 years and under 513 613 713 813 913 1013
15 years and under 514 614 714 814 914 1014
16 years and under 515 615 715 815 915 1015
17 years and under 516 616 716 816 916 1016
18 years and under 517 617 717 817 917 1017
19 years and under 517-1 617-1 717-1 817-1 917-1 1017-1
20 years and under 518 618 718 818 918 1018

Street Dancing

All music must be edited for inappropriate language/content – see Dance Rules and Regulations. Street Dancing includes hip hop, street dance, break dancing, stomp funk etc.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Street Dancing Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 520 620 720 820 920 1020
9 years and under 521 621 721 821 921 1021
10 years and under 522 622 722 822 922 1022
11 years and under 523 623 723 823 923 1023
12 years and under 524 624 724 824 924 1024
13 years and under 525 625 725 825 925 1025
14 years and under 526 626 726 826 926 1026
15 years and under 527 627 727 827 927 1027
16 years and under 528 628 728 828 928 1028
17 years and under 529 629 729 829 929 1029
18 years and under 530 630 730 830 930 1030
19 years and under 530-1 630-1 730-1 830-1 930-1 1030-1
20 years and under 531 631 731 831 931 1031

Lyrical Jazz

Lyrical jazz places emphasis on flowing lyrical movements. Solid jazz technique/content required to be shown. Title of Dance required, please.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Lyrical Jazz Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 499-1 599-1 699-1 799-1 899-1 999-1
9 years and under 508-1 608-1 708-1 808-1 908-1 1008-1
10 years and under 509-1 609-1 709-1 809-1 909-1 1009-1
11 years and under 510-1 610-1 710-1 810-1 910-1 1010-1
12 years and under 511-1 611-1 711-1 811-1 911-1 1011-1
13 years and under 512-1 612-1 712-1 812-1 912-1 1012-1
14 years and under 513-1 613-1 713-1 813-1 913-1 1013-1
15 years and under 514-1 614-1 714-1 814-1 914-1 1014-1
16 years and under 515-1 615-1 715-1 815-1 915-1 1015-1
17 years and under 516-1 616-1 716-1 816-1 916-1 1016-1
18 years and under 517-1 617-1 717-1 817-1 917-1 1017-1
19 years and under 518-1 618-1 718-1 818-1 918-1 1018-1
20 years and under 519-1 619-1 719-1 819-1 919-1 1019-1

Variety (formerly known as Modern Stage)

Dance suitable for a stage or musical production, cabaret, a review, live theatre, etc. Contents must contain a minimum of 50% dance, choreography should have a character base to it without straight-line work; must be composed of a diversified vocabulary of steps and may utilize any dance genre. Live voice is not permitted; lip-synching is permitted. Minimum use of simple props, please. Title of Dance is required. 

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
VARIETY Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 540 640 740 840 940 1040
9 years and under 541 641 741 841 941 1041
10 years and under 542 642 742 842 942 1042
11 years and under 543 643 743 843 943 1043
12 years and under 544 644 744 844 944 1044
13 years and under 545 645 745 845 945 1045
14 years and under 546 646 746 846 946 1046
15 years and under 547 647 747 847 947 1047
16 years and under 548 648 748 848 948 1048
17 years and under 549 649 749 849 949 1049
18 years and under 550 650 750 850 950 1055
19 years and under 551 651 751 851 951 1051
20 years and under 552 652 752 852 952 1052

Song and Dance

Own voice — no voice on CD of any kind, including spoken voice. Routine suited to stage or musical theatre production; it must be choreographed to provide interest and entertainment beyond straight-line work. The routine must consist of 50% voice and 50% dance and will be adjudicated on both. Title of Dance required, please. 

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
Song and Dance Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 540-1 640-1 740-1 840-1 940-1 1040-1
9 years and under 541-1 641-1 741-1 841-1 941-1 1041-1
10 years and under 542-1 642-1 742-1 842-1 942-1 1042-1
11 years and under 543-1 643-1 743-1 843-1 943-1 1043-1
12 years and under 544-1 644-1 744-1 844-1 944-1 1044-1
13 years and under 545-1 645-1 745-1 845-1 945-1 1045-1
14 years and under 546-1 646-1 746-1 846-1 946-1 1046-1
15 years and under 547-1 647-1 747-1 847-1 947-1 1047-1
16 years and under 548-1 648-1 748-1 848-1 948-1 1048-1
17 years and under 549-1 649-1 749-1 849-1 949-1 1049-1
18 years and under 550-1 650-1 750-1 850-1 950-1 1055-1
19 years and under 551-1 651-1 751-1 851-1 951-1 1051-1
20 years and under 552-1 652-1 752-1 852-1 952-1 1052-1

Acrobatic Dance

Acrobatic Dance combines Dance technique with acrobatic elements to seamlessly blend the two mediums. Routines should balance 50% dance and 50% acrobatic movements – no straight gymnastics or contortion routines will be permitted. A simple prop may be used if integral to the Dance. Mats may not be used and will not be provided.

Category/Age Group Class/Class Numbers
VARIETY Solo Duet Trio Small Group Medium Group Large Group
6 years and under 540-2 640-2 740-2 840-2 940-2 1040-2
9 years and under 541-2 641-2 741-2 841-2 941-2 1041-2
10 years and under 542-2 642-2 742-2 842-2 942-2 1042-2
11 years and under 543-2 643-2 743-2 843-2 943-2 1043-2
12 years and under 544-2 644-2 744-2 844-2 944-2 1044-2
13 years and under 545-2 645-2 745-2 845-2 945-2 1045-2
14 years and under 546-2 646-2 746-2 846-2 946-2 1046-2
15 years and under 547-2 647-2 747-2 847-2 947-2 1047-2
16 years and under 548-2 648-2 748-2 848-2 948-2 1048-2
17 years and under 549-2 649-2 749-2 849-2 949-2 1049-2
18 years and under 550-2 650-2 750-2 850-2 950-2 1055-2
19 years and under 551-2 651-2 751-2 851-2 951-2 1051-2
20 years and under 552-2 652-2 752-2 852-2 952-2 1052-2

Adjudication Only

Entries in the adjudication-only section will receive a special “adjudication only” certificate to recognize their participation in the MIPAF dance section. Adjudication-only group entries are eligible to be selected for Dance Gala.

Adult – Adjudication Only

All entrants in Adult Classes must be 18 years of age or older on December 31st prior. Student dance teachers and dance teachers may enter this class. The general rules applying to dance and the dance rules, and regulations must be followed. Entries must be suitable for a family audience. For adult groups, there will be no division of group sizes (e.g. small or large groups).

Category Class Number
Adult Ballet B850
Adult Tap T850
Adult Street Dancing SD850
Adult Jazz J850
Adult Lyrical Jazz LJ850

Academic School Groups – Adjudication Only

Dancers in this category must be registered at and attending an academic school. May be danced in any form of dance accepted by the MIPAF dance section. A performer may perform only once in this category. For academic school groups, there will be no division of group sizes (eg. small or large groups). The general rules applying to dance and the dance rules, and regulations must be followed.

Elementary and Secondary Schools: Entry must be endorsed by a school representative.

Academic School Class Number
Elementary A 30
Secondary School (Grades 8 to Grade 12) A 31
College/University A 32

For the Love of Dance

  • It is open to dancers who wish to enter a solo, duet, or group dance but not in a competitive category.
  • Soloists who wish to be eligible for the Provincials may not enter a solo in this class.
  • Program groupings may involve different ages (i.e. 6-year-olds with 14-year-olds) and different categories (i.e. Lyrical Ballet with National).
  • a performer may be no older than 22 years as of Dec. 31 prior.
  • Ballet/Modern/Contemporary solos, duets, and groups will be assessed by a Ballet adjudicator. No placements will be given.
  • Stage solos, duets, and groups will be assessed by a Stage adjudicator. No placements will be given.
  • Street solos, duets, and groups will be assessed by a Street adjudicator. No placements will be given.
  • Open solos, duets, and groups will be performance only (no adjudication). No placements will be given.
  • A dancer may perform once in each class number only.


Category Class Number Type
Ballet B851
Stage S851
Modern M851
Street ST851
Open O851

Production and Young Choreographers


Consists of four or more AMATEUR dancers in a dance category accepted by the Mid Island Performing Arts Festival. A Production generally tells a story or is part of a large dance or stage production – may be any combination of ages. Special lighting, explosive effects and the use of microphones are not permitted. Minimum time 6 minutes – maximum time 10 minutes.

Category Class Number
Production – Ballet Section B10
Production – Modern Section M20
Production – Stage Section S20
Production – Street Dance S30

Young Choreographers

Students choose their own music, theme, and style and can perform the dance themselves or set it on other dancers.

  • Dancer names and birth dates must be entered on the entry form, but this is to comply with our rules only.
  • Dancers are not adjudicated—the choreographer is.
  • Students must present an electronic copy of the choreography and theme to the adjudicator’s secretary at NO LATER THAN SEVEN DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST SESSION OF THE SECTION ENTERED – BALLET OR STAGE for the adjudicator to review the notes before the competition.
  • The adjudicator and the dance committee chairs may accept notes received later than the first day of the session, either ballet or stage, but in this case, the dance will be performed for adjudication only.
  • The notes will be reviewed for accuracy, neatness, appropriate floor plan, choreographic notes and costume design. Notes must be in a form that the dance can be repeated by another dancer using only the notes.

Please Note: The category entered is determined by the number (solo or duet) and age of the choreographer or in the case of a duet – the age of the older choreographer. For choreographers 8 years and under, the dance will be performed for adjudication only.

Category/Age Group – of Choreographers Class/Class Numbers (Determined by Number of Dancers)
Young Choreographers Ballet Section Solo Duet
12 years and under YCBA12 YCBA22
14 years and under YCBA14 YCBA24
16 years and under YCBA16 YCBA26
18 years and under YCBA18 YCBA28
20 years and under YCBA20 YCBA30
Young Choreographers Stage Section
12 years and under YCST12 YCST22
14 years and under YCST14 YCST24
16 years and under YCST16 YCST26
18 years and under YCST18 YCST28
20 years and under YCST20 YCST30

Young Choreographers are responsible for picking up their notes from the recording desk before the end of the festival.

Provincial Excellence – All Disciplines

Solo Program (1 Improv plus 3 Solos)  – Age 20 and under

Please read the details of this class on pages 26-27 in the Provincial Syllabus at
To be considered for this recommendation, a competitor must have two contrasting solos within a section that received a mark of 85% or higher. This class would be appropriate for a dancer performing at a level equivalent to an apprentice in a professional company. This achievement can be considered higher than that of a senior class representative.

For a dancer to be selected for the Provincial Excellence class at PABC, the MIPAF adjudicator must feel the dancer is at the standard of apprentice level at a professional company. There is no guarantee that a MIPAF representative will be selected for this class.

Group Dance – Age 20 and under

All groups: Duets, Trios, and Small and Large, average ages 10 – 20, are now able to partake in Provincials. Participants will be chosen by the local provincial adjudicator and compete VIRTUALLY at the Provincial level.  Adjudicators may choose up to 2 exceedingly high standard dances for each dance category (Ballet, Modern, Stage). Once selected, please film the performance in one take and submit it to your section head at in an mp4 format no later than the close of entries in May.