New and revised syllabus rules and classes for 2019 are
changes with highlights.- All competitors, parents, teachers, and choreographers are sincerely advised to carefully review and abide by the regulations and spirit of the festival so that infractions do not occur.
Please review the main Syllabus page and the General Rules & Regulations as well as this syllabus for more information.
Strings & Guitar Syllabus
Rules and Definitions
Class Certificates
A Gold, Silver or Bronze certificate is issued to all participants of each competitive class.
- Gold: 85 and above
- Silver: 80 to 84
- Bronze: 80 and under
The Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates do not indicate a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place standing in a class. Each colour represents a level of performance achievement.
There will be no set number of Gold, Silver, or Bronze certificates allotted for each class.
Marks will neither be announced nor written on the adjudication sheets. They will be kept private by the adjudicator’s secretary and adjudicator on a tabulation sheet that will, in turn, be submitted to the Mid Island Performing Arts Festival Bursary Committee. A few days after the end of each section, teachers will receive their students’ marks from the section chair.
- Please read the General Rules and Regulations governing the Mid Island Performing Arts Festival, as well as the Provincial/National competition requirements, before completing the entry form.
- Please note that MIPAF may send up to two participants to Provincials for Junior Strings (14 and under), one each in Level A and Level B, depending on their grade level.
- Level A includes Grades 6 to 8.
- Level B includes Grade 9 and above.
- It is the responsibility of the student and teacher to select the correct grade level, class, and piece using the Royal Conservatory of Music syllabus. The Committee trusts in the integrity of students to enter at the grade level at which they are working.
- Time limits must be observed, or the competitor could be disqualified.
- A piano is used to accompany the string selections.
- Fiddle may also use guitar accompaniment.
- To be considered for a bursary, a competitor must enter at least two solo classes, one solo class and a concert group, or one solo class and a concerto.
- Competitors entered in only one solo class may be eligible for a Rose Bursary.
- Bar numbers are required along the left side on the adjudicator’s music.
- Original music is to be submitted to the adjudicator before the start of the class.
- Label with name, class, number, and page.
- A second original is required if the music is not memorized.
- Internet copies need a valid receipt.
- Exceptions can be made in Folk Fiddle classes where necessary. The Festival recognizes that folk music is an aural tradition and many tunes are never written down. Where written music is available, please provide it as above.
- Song title and composer are to be announced from the stage.
- Sight Reading
- In Grades 3 through 7, the Sight Reading test selections will conform to the guidelines set out in the Royal Conservatory of Music syllabus.
- In Grades 8 and up, the material may be less predictable.
- Concerto Class
- Minimum two movements from 9 years old and up.
- Sonata Class
- Minimum two movements from 9 years old and up.
- Concert Group
- Own selection of two or three pieces, from contrasting eras.
- Ensembles
- Duets, Trios, Quartets, Quintets, Chamber, String Orchestras.
- Small Groups
- 3 to 6 players
- Large Groups
- more than 6 players, may be used by the section chairperson when needed.
Graded Classes: Cello, Guitar, Viola, Violin
Class | Class | Class | Class | Class | Class | Minutes | ||
Grade | Sight Reading | Ren/Baroque Up to 1750 |
Classical 1750–1825 |
Romantic 1825–1910 |
20/21st Century | Own Choice | Time Limit | Fees |
1 | — | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 4 | $13.00 |
2 | — | 101 | 201 | 301 | 401 | 501 | 4 | $13.00 |
3 | 022 | 102 | 202 | 302 | 402 | 502 | 4 | $15.00 |
4 | 023 | 103 | 203 | 303 | 403 | 503 | 4 | $15.00 |
5 | 024 | 104 | 204 | 304 | 404 | 504 | 5 | $17.00 |
6 | 025 | 105 | 205 | 305 | 405 | 505 | 5 | $17.00 |
7 | 026 | 106 | 206 | 306 | 406 | 506 | 8 | $19.00 |
8 | 027 | 107 | 207 | 307 | 407 | 507 | 8 | $19.00 |
9 | 028 | 108 | 208 | 308 | 408 | 508 | 10 | $21.00 |
10 | 029 | 109 | 209 | 309 | 409 | 509 | 10 | $21.00 |
Open | 030 | 110 | 210 | 310 | 410 | 510 | 25 | $23.00 |
Age Classes: Cello, Guitar, Viola, Violin
Age | Concerto Class | Time | Fees |
8 years and under | 600 | 10 minutes | $16.00 |
11 years and under | 601 | 10 minutes | $18.00 |
14 years and under | 602 | 15 minutes | $20.00 |
17 years and under | 603 | 15 minutes | $22.00 |
Open | 604 | 25 minutes | $24.00 |
Age | Sonata Class | Time | Fees |
8 years and under | 620 | 10 minutes | $16.00 |
11 years and under | 621 | 10 minutes | $18.00 |
14 years and under | 622 | 15 minutes | $20.00 |
17 years and under | 623 | 15 minutes | $22.00 |
Open | 624 | 25 minutes | $24.00 |
Age | Concert Group | Time | Fees |
8 years and under | 700 | 20 minutes | $23.00 |
11 years and under | 701 | 20 minutes | $25.00 |
14 years and under | 702 | 25 minutes | $27.00 |
17 years and under | 703 | 25 minutes | $29.00 |
Open | 704 | 25 minutes | $31.00 |
Age | Ensembles | Time | Fees |
8 years and under | 800 | 6 minutes | $9.00 |
11 years and under | 801 | 6 minutes | $9.00 |
14 years and under | 802 | 10 minutes | $10.00 |
17 years and under | 803 | 10 minutes | $10.00 |
Open | 804 | 25 minutes | $10.00 |
Classes: Folk Fiddle
Fiddle Solo Classes:
Class 901 | Fiddle Tunes Medley | 6 years and under | 5 min. | $13.00 |
Class 902 | Fiddle Tunes Medley | 10 years and under | 5 min. | $13.00 |
Class 903 | Fiddle Tunes Medley | 14 years and under | 6 min. | $15.00 |
Class 904 | Fiddle Tunes Medley | 18 years and under | 6 min. | $17.00 |
Class 905 | Fiddle Tunes Medley | Open | 6 min. |
$18.00 |
Class 911 | Own Choice (one selection) | 6 years and under | 3. min. | $13.00 |
Class 912 | Own Choice (one selection) | 10 years and under | 3. min. | $13.00 |
Class 913 | Own Choice (one selection) | 14 years and under | 4 min. | $15.00 |
Class 914 | Own Choice (one selection) | 18 years and under | 4 min. | $17.00 |
Class 915 | Own Choice (one selection) | Open | 4 min. | $18.00 |
Class 921 | Original Composition | 6 years and under | 5 min. | $13.00 |
Class 922 | Original Composition | 10 years and under | 5 min. | $13.00 |
Class 923 | Original Composition | 14 years and under | 6 min. | $15.00 |
Class 924 | Original Composition | 18 years and under | 6 min. | $17.00 |
Class 925 | Original Composition | Open | 6 min. | $18.00 |
Class 931 | Novelty / Trick Fiddle | 6 years and under | 3 min. | $13.00 |
Class 932 | Novelty / Trick Fiddle | 10 years and under | 3 min. | $13.00 |
Class 933 | Novelty / Trick Fiddle | 14 years and under | 4 min. | $15.00 |
Class 934 | Novelty / Trick Fiddle | 18 years and under | 4 min. | $17.00 |
Class 935 | Novelty / Trick Fiddle | Open | 4 min. | $18.00 |
Fiddle Twin & Ensemble Classes:
Class 961 | Fiddle Twin | 14 years and under | 6 min. max. | $10.00 per performer |
Class 962 | Fiddle Twin | 17 years and under | 6 min. max. | $10.00 per performer |
Class 963 | Fiddle Twin | Open | 6 min. medley | $10.00 per performer |
Class 971 | Fiddle Ensemble | 14 years and under | 10 min. max. | $10.00 per performer |
Class 972 | Fiddle Ensemble | 17 years and under | 12 min. max. | $10.00 per performer |
Class 973 | Fiddle Ensemble | Open | 15 min. max. | $10.00 per performer |
(Note: Ensembles may play one or two selections.)